Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Troy Warms Up Part 2

Allen Owes:  Cash and team-challenged Allen Iverson owes an amazing $850,000 in jewerly debt alone.  I didn't even know that "jewelry debt" was a phrase.  I know that 850,000 is an impressive total, but it took 23 million attempts to get there (wait for it . . . everybody that's gonna get it, got it?  okay . . .).  Overall, Iverson blasted through $150 million to get where he is now.  You know what it takes to go through that much money is so little time?

Lindsay Lohan: Lindsay Lohan will be hosting Saturday Night Live again.  The best part of this was that I heard a radio news tease for it that began with "Guess what Lindsay Lohan is going to be on?"  I could imagine people all over the city, driving their cars, shouting, "Meth!" "Cocaine!" "Oxy!" "The Pole!"  Yeah, Lohan's become an easy target over the years, not the least of which is because she now looks about the same age as her mother.  But I have to say, Lohan's generation of starlets has a fairly impressive bounce-back rate.  She came up through Disney (via the "Parent Trap" re-make) in proximity to Britney and Christina, and they both had periods where they went off the rails.  The question though is whether everyone SHOULD attempt a comeback.  There's no law that says you have to STAY famous after you get famous.  That's a separate kind of addiction, really.  It would nice for Lindsay if she could resume a productive acting career.  Then again, maybe she should start a step-down center for people to transition out of fame and into reality; I can think of three sisters that'll probably need her help some day . . .

Mitt Romney:  Former Massachusetts governor and current rich guy Mitt Romney went through over $18 million campaigning last month.  You know what it takes to spend that much money in that short a time?  You guessed it . . .

1 comment:

  1. Ordinarily, I'd point out a lot of that money went to his agent and taxes. But then I'm reminded of the money and cars he left at a house he sold to a teammate and how his mom, upon being unable to find her car in the airport parking lot, simply bought another one.
