Wednesday, February 22, 2012

THE LEMUR RISES! with J. Caleb Mozzocco

Can't really do this without a proper explanation.  As Matt Brady and I were pitching story ideas (that would eventually lead to us writing "Short Straw" in the Batman 80 Page Giant 2011), we got to joking about pitching totally unlikely Batman Inc. candidates.  Among those suggested, due to my love of the strategic value of Madagascar in "Risk", was  . . . THE LEMUR.  Matt and I quickly had a one-page story that we thought of turning in just for fun as a paver-of-the-way on the actual pitch.  We got the awesome J. Caleb Mozzocco to draw it.  Caleb was an early member of Best Shots, has a great blog at EverydayIsLikeWednesday and has written with distinction for sites like Newsarama, CBR, and Comics Alliance.  In one of those weird bits of luck, we ended up getting to do "Short Straw", and "The Lemur Rises" never had its day.  Until now.  Here, with art and color from the mighty hand of Caleb, THE LEMUR RISES!


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