Friday, February 24, 2012

Lost Lyrical Lounge Interview: The Kid Famous (Interview by Angelica LeMinh)

Our girl in Canada, back after far too long . . . that's right; it's Angelica LeMinh, late of the Lyrical Lounge with a "Lost Lyrical Lounge Interview" of The Kid Famous.

Ain't No Use even trying to deny that The Kid is Famous, he just happens to deserve it too. Your favorite Canadian freezes her hands off on a rooftop to to listen to a fellow 51416 transplant. We talk Brita, cell-phones, Simpson's (Homer not O.J.), fav colors and of course hip-hop!

-I love this city. (Toronto) It's my favorite city in the whole world, I'm always glad to come back to Toronto. When the weather is nice. Nope, I can't do it in the winter, I can't even do it.

-Yes, I did give away all my shoes, clothes too. I buy a lot of clothes and I don't really want them. Besides, in this industry, once you take a picture wearing something, it's over. I know a lot of kids, and they know me, so I try to give the gear to the kids, it means something to them...

-I don't have a thousand phones, just two. The iphone is for my friends, mom, dad, the ringer stays on. Besides, the internet is way better on it. The blackberry is more for business, I don't have anything updated on it, but it has bbm.

-Green is great. I like green!!

-It's always time to do right. Thoughts of doing wrong arise, that's natural, but doing right definitely gets you farther. I'm on this positive vibes stuff, Toronto has brought that out in me. When I first moved here, I didn't really know a lot of people, so I was just working at Champs, interning at Flow, and going home to watch TV and think
about stuff, appreciating different things in life.

-I felt like I had no competition in Montreal. The people on my block were all at the same college, working similar jobs, that's it. I wanted everyone to know me everywhere, and that wasn't going to happen in Montreal. The people are different here, the urban culture is stronger.

-I want to be successful. If I have a nice car, can get my message through, open a few businesses, inspire people, do some acting-I can do that all without touching the States, it can happen overseas.

-I'm different from other people...I have a realistic view of success. A lot of people wish for the same things, without a plan. Just saying can only get you so far, I set goals for myself. This is a career for me. Rapping is what people do, they rap. I knew the business before anything, I studied it, I invested.

-There used to be a time when you could tell by looking which videos were funded by VideoFACT, or you could hear the song and know, now you can't. The wackness wasn't necessarily more Canadian, it was just wack.  I wanted to make sure that conceptually, my videos would look different, whether or not I had that Factor budget, I would make the best video that I can afford.

-I don't think there will ever be a Toronto sound. Were you born here?  Were your parents? Mine neither. Nobody goes past two generations, how can we have a sound? But it doesn't matter-a hit record is a hit record!!

-How would I end the Simpsons? Ok, the most logical is that Maggie talks. Has she spoken already? I think they should just leave Springfield, and everybody would just be like, "Where'd they go?" and that would be it, it would just be over. What else? Homer sleeps with other women? That wouldn't be nice, that wouldn't be funny.

-I think I am the only rapper that doesn't lie. All these rappers create this facade, and it's great...people love the way they tell a story, but the people who buy the music don't do that stuff. I do the same stuff as the people who buy my music, I just tell it better than they do. And make them laugh.

-I love Michael Buble, he was loving that massage. That was the greatest thing, meeting him at the Junos. My mom totally told me to say "hi" to him, so we made that video for her.

-No, I didn't win, you know how the Junos go. I'm an independent, I'm not on a major record label. If Classified releases an album, it's an automatic nomination. If Belly releases an album, it's an automatic nomination. K'naan, that's another one...I almost wore a shiny suit though, that was the plan!!! But I couldn't find any material to have
it made out of. The shiny suit is the ultimate inspiration from Puffy. One day, when I make enough money not to care what people say, I will rock one-not yet.

-People say I sound like Kanye? I don't know, I don't hear it (does a great impression). He's got a mad distinct rhyming pattern. I mean, it's not a bad thing, but if I sound like Kanye-where's my deal then?

-I don't have multiple personalities, it's just the one. I adapt to my environment. It's just the result of me having an open mind about stuff. I even spend time talking to bums and find out why they're bums.  I found out that some of them make more money the average kids that goes to school. I was blown away. But that was what I spent thirty
minutes outside the ACC learning one night.

-I'm so on this environment shit. I watched this thing on water bottles, and I think I'm annoying now, I tell people about it so much.   But when I think about how much waste goes on, how we can wrap all the bottles around the world five times? And how they market it? Selling people water-making people pay for something that's free?! And when they recycle them, half go to this big field, some backyard in India, and the other half gets recycled back into forks and other things that just get wasted again...but they say it's getting better.

-You can buy 12 bottles of water for $2.50. Spend $5.00 on a Brita and use that shit for a year.

-Yea I cut the lights for Earth Hour, but I kept my television on.  They're mad if they think I'm going to turn of the NCAA.

-My assists are sick. My whole thing is, if I have nothing to lose-make the assist. That way, more people want me on their team.

-My turnovers? What are those? I definitely mess up. I mean, I'm not perfect. Any attempt to deny that is just me trying to be egotistical, but I don't even think about my mistakes, because if you can't do nothing, fix it. Or get over it. But do something, because nothing is going to happen if you just feel bad about it. Fix it, learn something.

-(answers iphone) Marty? Nope, wrong number. Buh-bye.

-How did I get Kardi's attention? I think I got everyone's attention with my first song, Fourth Biggest City, he heard the track, we approached him, he's on the video, simple as that.

-ELLEN DEGENERES! I'm most excited about Ellen Degeneres following me on Twitter. I'm DMing her so tough, I gotta work on my tactics on how I'ma get on her show.

-I don't read books. I hang with people who read books. I know a lot of smart folks and they just tell me the good stuff. Rev Run is good. I learn something from Rev Run every day.

-Like I said, get money. But B, you're in a tutu, how you gonna go from wrestling to a tutu? I mean, parents love Dwayne Johnson, the kids love him. I can't knock him, I just don't know if I would do that.

-Drake? He's hot right now. That's all there is to it. He's hot right now....

Angelica LeMinh is Hip-Hop literacy in motion! [Just Google for kicks!!] International is not a big enough word for the GROUND she covers...She's literally EVERYWHERE! Follow her on Twitter at: hiphop_spinster, Bloggie: and even on myspace (yeah, Myspace!!!) at:

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