I've decided after much reflection to not renew ShotgunReviews.com. It had a great run for several years and was critical for me on a lot of levels. The underlying blogspot (themightyshotgunreviews. blogspot.com) will still be accessible, but I haven't been able to devote time and energy toward Shotgun in a long time. The brief resurgence for the advent of Sparkshooter was great, but it's time for me to move along.
As most of you know, I'm doing Solo Acoustic (with Ben Olson) and Sparkshooter (with Sarah Vaughn) at www.sparkshooter.com. I hope you all check that out. I'm also continuing to write a lot for Zenescope and should have more things elsewhere, some with Matt Brady and some with other surprise people. I just wrote a new run of trading cards too that has to be quiet for a while.
I think, going with the blogspot, that I'll leave the ShotgunReviews FB page up and continue to post the odd funny thing there like I do now.
Thank you all. I can't really overstate how much fun it was. Hope you had a good time. I know I did.
Talk to you all soon,
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